Monday, November 1, 2010

Our Christmas Tree Angel

Today kicks off Reece's Rainbow's Christmas Angel Tree event, and I have the privilege of being Lesia's Christmas prayer warrior!

Visit and see all the children who need a miracle this Christmas to get them home into loving families. Lesia is eleven rows down on the far right. If you click "Add" it will place her in your shopping cart! How fun! You can fill your cart with kids! ;) No, sadly it's not that easy... don't we wish??!! But it WILL guide you through the steps to bless Lesia (or any of the children God leads you to help) with funds toward getting her out of the orphanage and into a real home. With a donation of $35 or more you will receive a beautiful Angel Tree ornament with your child's picture on it. It's a great feeling when it arrives in the mail and you take it over and hang it on your tree... you know you've invested in that child for eternity. You'll pray for that little face, and show it to others. That child on your tree becomes part of your heart, you will see...

A little more about Lesia, or "Letta" as Peyton calls her...

We met this beautiful little girl this summer while adopting our 3 children, and she immediately stole our hearts! She was Peyton's constant companion in the stroller and playpen, because they were the two who couldn't walk on their own (he b/c he had a cast on his leg, and she b/c she was still just a wobbly baby. She is still very much a sqeezably plump little baby! :) By the time we left, she was toddling around and falling on her butt. "Butt" always with a huge smile on her face! :)

There had initially been some confusion that she might have been our Jessa, they're only a few months apart in age, and very similar in so many ways! :) And once we saw her joyous smile and chubby arms of "our other Jessa" reaching up to be held (which the caregivers sternly do not allow) Morgan & I promised ourselves we would find a way back for her somehow. It hurts to face that as we are now home with our 3 new children, it doesn't look likely for us to return to her country financially, or time-wise. But oh my, she is so worth it!!! Every day I look at Peyton, Jessa and Amelia and I'm amazed at the difference in their lives in contrast to when they lived at that orphanage.

I can't help but reflect again and again on the fact that any one of them could still be there today, with no idea what it means to be part of a family. My heart aches to imagine them, my children, as one of the many, nothing but a chore for their caregivers, rushed, barely noticed, left alone to amuse themselves with whatever toy may or may not be in reach. No one to smile at them, talk to them, tickle them, show them they are adorable. And yet, Lesia's still there, day after day, week after week, missing out on the love she should be getting :(

Let's do something about that, shall we??

You can also donate to her account via the chip in on this page. All money goes straight to her account and stays with her, even if a family were to commit and for some reason back out. It's her ransom money from a little kid prison she did nothing to deserve.


  1. She just 'gets me'. What a doll baby! You're the perfect Christmas Warrior and I so look forward to hanging our new ornament on the tree and will be reminded to pray for her a family!

  2. Thank you so much Ann! It's so wonderful when any of these kids get a family, but I will absolutely dance for joy when this one goes home!

  3. Just got my "Letta" Ornament for my tree. So nice to see her face!
