Monday, November 22, 2010

Loving Lesia

Well, what can I say? I guess there's no longer a need for this blog, since we've committed to be Lesia's family!

Some of you, who know that I was Peyton's Christmas Warrior last year may be noticing a pattern here...  What can I say? We met her, we held her, we heard her laugh, and, though rarely, cry. We saw her taking her first wobbly steps and falling on her bottom. We saw her eating her lunch in a room full of children. And sitting on her little potty in a room full of children. We saw her in the crib, and in the stroller.We saw her hair go from long, to short,  then to a Moe in the 3 Stooges style.

We saw her little knock-knees :) And her heart scar, still so recent. And knew she went through all that pain without parents to comfort her and pray for her. But we know that someone did, and we thank God for whoever it was.

God gave us time with her (as well as many beautiful, loving, deserving children) and when we left, we left a piece of our heart behind. The last words the orphanage director said to me as I left with Peyton, Jessa, and Amelia were through Marina, our translator, "I will take good care of Lesia until you come back."

And I know he meant it, he's a good man. I'm really looking forward to seeing him again when we go back to bring our little girl home.

Come on over to our family's adoption blog, as we pick up where we left off 3 months ago.

Thank you for all your prayers, encouragement and financial support. So much goes into an adoption, we couldn't do it without you.

With much love,
Morgan & Sherry and family :)

1 comment:

  1. I have prayed for her- she is just so precious. Thrilled that you hare going to be her family!
